Juneteenth 2019 – A freedom or Independence Day for the U.S state of Texas which got abolition from slavery. It is a true Independence Day for American Africans. Many Juneteenth 2019 Events are held throughout the world in Atlanta, Philadelphia and many states in the world. Check out Juneteenth 2019 Celebrations and significance of Juneteenth 2019 Flag from down below. The Juneteenth Festival 2019 is celebrated on the June 19th every year.

Check : Top 50 Places to Visit in Texas, U.S.A 

Juneteenth 2019

What is Juneteenth? Well! Unusual name right? Yep! The Juneteenth is a Festival that marks the freedom of the slaves in Texas. The Juneteenth Flag is also one of its kind. It’s of red and blue color and the significance of the Juneteenth Flag will be explained later on in the article. The Juneteenth Facts are a bunch and we have listed a few of them down below. Well, but why is it called Juneteenth? It is so because it happened on the 19th of June in the year 1985. So, when did Juneteenth become a national holiday?

The Juneteenth festival was declared as a national holiday on the 19th of June in the year 1985 itself.

juneteenth 2019

So how are you celebrating Juneteenth? Well, first just let us know how Juneteenth is actually celebrated? The occasion is celebrated with pomp and show, it is especially celebrated with barbecue and baseball games as it is a day that marks freedom. The traditions of the Juneteenth also include reading of the emancipation, reading of books by famous writers, family reunions, street fairs and also parties.

History of the Juneteenth

juneteenth 2019 celebration

The History of the Juneteenth is quite mysterious and interesting as well. Well, if explained in simple words, it is the day when Americans slaves were made free. It is actually celebrated as the true independence day for the Americans Africans. It has been declared as the national holiday in the forty-five states of America. The history of Juneteenth dates back to 22nd September 1862 when the then president Abraham Lincoln issued an emancipation in which it was stated that all slaves should be free. This statement although did not include places which were under Union forces. The state of Texas was the last state to know that the slaves were now free. The Union soldiers landed at Galveston, Texas on 19th June and told the people that they were indeed free now. Around, 250,000 slaves were set free on this day. So, why did this news reach Texas so late? Well, there is no one reason for it. Some say that the messenger who had left with the message for Texas had been murdered and another reason was that this news was deliberately withheld. The news had reached Texas after 2nd a half years already and even then the slave owners kept the news to themselves till the season of harvest.

The Juneteenth Flag

 juneteenth flag

The Juneteenth Flag describes the history of the Juneteenth festival and the uprising of freedom. It depicted that all people are equal. The flag has a blue flag color and red color below with a white star in between that depicts the star of Texas bursting with freedom.

How you can celebrate the Juneteenth Festival

juneteenth 2019 events

Well, you can simply be a part of the Juneteenth Festival Traditions or you can also watch some of the documentaries based on the freedom of Texas.
You can also be a part of the ceremony where the Juneteenth Flag is hoisted.

Some people also celebrate the occasion with the world just by sharing their emotions on Social Media. Spreading awareness like this is also a good measure to celebrate the Juneteenth Festival.

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